viernes, 20 de junio de 2014


Es más fácil pensarlo que practicarlo, como todo lo que vale la pena, pero es obligación el dar la vida por nosotros en primer lugar. Que te causen dolor no es un dato de amor, mucho menos de respeto; esa idea de que el amor debe doler sin límites es un consuelo que los que hemos sufrido nos decimos para justificar las desparramadas lágrimas. 
El amor no tiene porque ser complicado, se supone que debe ser suelto y maravilloso. Aunque sinceramente, hoy no estoy en ánimos de describir lo que he sentido mientras amo.
En estas letras solo planeo prometerme que mis ojos no llorarán más por ti. Y de que te vayas o te quedes... bajo cálculos y balances, me conviene que te despidas y arrastres tus frustraciones a otra puerta, quizás allá te entiendan mejor que yo.
Me dije que no te odiaría, y hoy sentí odio por unos minutos; me di cuenta del ardor de mi sangre, del revoloteo en mi garganta, y de mis lágrimas ácidas. No puedo odiarte, prolongaría más mi pena y yo, yo si me amo.

lunes, 2 de junio de 2014

I Do Miss You

Do you miss me? Do you even remember me? How does it feel not having me around? Does it feel better? Do you feel free?

I guess Life will treat you well from now on; you probably are less anxious, less worried, more talkative and open to the world.

Are you kissing other lips already? do they feel soft? are those kisses as chaotic as mine? as thick as mine? as in love as mine?

don't you miss my skin? my hips under your hands? my eyes looking straight at yours?

Don't you miss my sex? the smell of my messy hair? or the salty taste of my sweat?

don't you miss me at all?

De flor y de flores - Alejandro Filio y Silvina Garré

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Mi Sonrisa

I am sorry

I'm so sorry girl, that's what i keep telling myself; I'm sorry i put you in to this trouble; i didn't  mean to hurt you; i believed in him with all my soul, i really thought he was perfect for you. Even when we got hurt, i gave him time to prove himself, to let me know that he was what i always believe and love, but he didn't. and now, for my stupidity, you are fading, and i just can tell you how sorry i am.

You may love once more someday, but i promise you, i'll never let you rise this intensity; i'll never let you melt your soul with nobody ever again. For now on, it's all us, trying to figure it out life without him, and trying to survive all these tears.

He wanted freedom, and that's was my last gift to him. Let him go is the less selfish and more difficult decision i ever made. I hope someday he will understand me, and more than that, he will finally feel me.

I'm sorry girl that i put you in to this trouble, i didn't mean to hurt you...